Unpaid Overtime Compensation Attorney
As a specialist in wage and hour disputes, including unpaid overtime claims, attorney James L. Hanger of Hanger Law Office, P.C., is prepared to help you fight for the wages you have earned and put a stop to your employer’s illegal wage practices. We are dedicated to representing the needs and rights of California’s hardworking people in court when necessary.
In California, a nonexempt wage-earning employee is entitled to time-and-a-half payment for any hours worked above 40 in a week, thanks to laws like the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. Thus, a worker who earns $25 per hour is entitled to $37.50 in gross income for every hour of overtime. Failure to pay you accordingly is against the law. But it’s up to you to enforce your right to overtime pay. Fortunately, we at Hanger Law Office, P.C., are here to help.
How Businesses Try To Get Out Of Paying Overtime
James L. Hanger has practiced wage and hour law for over ten years. He can help you enforce your rights and seek compensation against illegal employer tactics like:
- Forcing you to work off the clock
- Averaging your hours instead of calculating them weekly
- Misclassifying you as an exempt worker or independent contractor
- Offering or requiring you to take time off in place of exceeding 40 hours per week
These are all illegal and can cost you significant money you have earned. We know where to find evidence to build a case and work toward fair restitution. For example, you can keep track of your work hours and show where you were shorted. Litigation can also expose an employer’s wrongdoing and force them to pay their workers fairly from now on. And it can help you provide for your family with the money you deserve.
Contact Our Office Today
Find out about our successful methods for securing compensation for unpaid overtime. Contact Hanger Law Office, P.C., at our Pico Rivera office to schedule a consultation with our lawyer, James L. Hanger. Call 714-701-8885. We represent clients throughout California, including Orange County and Los Angeles.